popular wedding songs

Wedding Rings and Flowers

Ave Maria (Bach / Gounod

“Ave Maria” by Gounod is one of the most popular classical music song for wedding ceremonies.  As a beautiful and much-recorded version of the Latin prayer “Ave Maria”, it is a traditional but sophisticated piece, often performed while the happy couple is signing their marriage certificates.



Music link coming soon. 

Wedding Bouquet

Ave Maria (Schubert)

Schubert’s “Ave Maria”, meaning “Hail Mary”, is another classic, beloved all over the world for elegant church or garden weddings.


Music link coming soon. 

Caro Mio Ben (Tommasso or Giuseppe Giordano)




Music link coming soon. 

Or other favourites....

Astrid has other songs and repertoire. 

Please see our Contact page if you would like to discuss the performance of other songs at your wedding.